Recall for Moms

Product Recall Information for Moms


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

April 22, 2008
Release #08-254

CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: Scott Wolfson, (301) 504-7908

Eight Firms Agree To Pay $320,000 For Failing To Timely Report Drawstrings In Children's Outerwear

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced today that eight firms have agreed to pay a total of $320,000 to settle allegations that the firms failed to report to the CPSC, as required by federal law, that their children's hooded sweatshirts or jackets were sold with drawstrings at the hood and neck. These products, which the firms eventually recalled, pose strangulation hazards that can cause death to children. The settlements have been provisionally accepted.

The firms paying the penalties are (all Agreement links are PDF):

In February 1996, CPSC issued drawstring guidelines (pdf) to help prevent children from strangling or getting entangled on the neck and waist drawstrings in upper outerwear, such as jackets and sweatshirts. In May 2006, CPSC's Office of Compliance informed manufacturers and retailers (pdf) that children's upper outerwear with drawstrings at the hood or neck is defective and presents a substantial risk of injury to young children.

Federal law requires manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to report to CPSC immediately (within 24 hours) after obtaining information reasonably supporting the conclusion that a product contains a defect which could create a substantial risk of injury to the public, presents an unreasonable risk of serious injury or death, or violates a federal safety standard.

In agreeing to settle the matters, the firms deny CPSC's allegations that they knowingly violated the law.

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